So I’m attending a 10 Day Vipassana Meditation retreat at the end of May.  I’m incredibly excited to do this retreat.  I love meditation and this will certainly be the deepest I have ever gone.

This difference with this retreat is that it is  done in total silence for 10 days.  No talking, no writing, no reading, no exercise and above all NO PHONE!   I have never gone 10 days without all of these elements, but surprisingly the one I am kind of the most nervous about is 10 days without my phone.

I’m an admitted addict, I get the phantom vibrations when I don’t have my phone near me and I would rather be without my wallet then my phone (my Starbucks app would still allow me to buy coffee).

I think I’m going to do next week without my phone.  From Monday May 5th – Friday May 9th I’m going to turn it off.  I’ll post a quick update everyday here so everyone can enjoy my withdrawal!  Wish me luck 🙂
