My Journey
Okay that’s maybe not the best image of My Specific Journey… but I do love the song ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ 🙂
Alright enough monkey business… I’ve been having some really great conversations lately with some really interesting people.
As I move through this process of learning to be an Ontological Coach I have been recruiting potential ‘Coachees’ to volunteer for the final part of my training. So far the people who are interested are amazing to talk to. They are smart, interesting, intuitive people who I can learn so much from. I’m so grateful that they would even consider being a part of this process with me. I still have a couple of months before I will actually do any real coaching but the conversations so far have been so energizing.
I know in my heart this is how I want to spend my time. Building genuine connections with people who are passionate about growth and want to fully step into who they truly are. The holistic approach to these conversations is why they they have the power to be so transformative. Discussing the power of language as a tool for action, the influence of moods and emotions and how they are manifested in our physical self is rich and diverse terrain for discovery.
I already have the opportunity in my day job to build one on one connections with new people all the time, but I’m a Recruiter so there is a defined business motive to these meetings. This means there is a limitation to how deep a conversation can go. I’m very fortunate to have the opportunities I do and I’m grateful to those around me for allowing me to explore this new path.
I’m so excited to be a coach!
I was speaking with someone the other day and we were discussing that since I don’t have kids I will forfeit the experience of helping a person grow and develop into a good person. This experience is unique to parents. However she pointed out that a good coach does exactly that, a coach can help clear away the clutter and enable a person to step into who they truly are. This was an amazing moment for me to consider that.
For me the idea of being a coach is to be in service to other people. To see the light in another person and help them see it in themselves feels like important work. This is my journey and I will work hard and strive to make the world a better place one conversation at a time.
And because I used the picture…