The Art of Being Focused


Happy New Year!  A new year means a new years resolution.  With hopeful optimism, we plan our path to being the best version of ourselves.  However, somewhere around January 17th it all falls apart.  Why?  How come it’s so hard to create the new changes we want to see in ourselves?  Jill and I chat all things related to resolutions, goals, intentions, habits and creating lasting change.

Jill Norris is an award-winning certified coach, health researcher, and educator. She specializes in scientific writing and knowledge synthesis and supports academics to become more effective in work and life through a holistic coaching approach.

Find her at or @AcademicSouffle on Twitter and Instagram

Justin Bergeron is an ICF Certified Coach who specialized in Career and Leadership Coaching.   With a long background in Recruiting, HR and Leadership Development, Justin (JB to his friends) is passionate about meaningful one on one conversation.

You can find him at or on Twitter and Instagram he is @justinbergeron

The Art of Being Messy

Stuff… we all have too much stuff, or not enough stuff, or the wrong stuff.  How does our stuff affect our state of being?  How does my stuff affect you and how does your stuff affect me?  How can we declutter our homes, our workplaces and most importantly our minds.

Jill Norris is an award-winning certified coach, health researcher, and educator. She specializes in scientific writing and knowledge synthesis and supports academics to become more effective in work and life through a holistic coaching approach.

Find her at or @AcademicSouffle on Twitter and Instagram

Justin Bergeron is an ICF Certified Coach who specialized in Career and Leadership Coaching.   With a long background in Recruiting, HR and Leadership Development, Justin (JB to his friends) is passionate about meaningful one on one conversation.

You can find him at or on Twitter and Instagram he is @justinbergeron

The Art of Being In Control (or not)


Are you in control right now?  Are your emotions perfectly balanced?  Are you a zen monk rolling through life?  Or are you, like most of us, struggling to hold the reins and fighting against the elements you can’t control but so desperately want to?  This week I had a great conversation with Ian Munro about The Art of Being In Control (or not).

Ian Munro is an ICF certified coach focused on personal and professional vitality.  Ian also has a keen interest in emotional intelligence and is certified in debriefing EQ profiles with clients.

The Art of Being is available on iTunes, GoogePlay and Stitcher.